Does anybody know who handles State Trooper tickets in Texas? The city or county court? I received a ticket in Odessa Texas about 4 years ago from a state trooper, and am wanting to resolve it. Who do I pay and where do I go?
State Trooper tickets in Texas?opera ticket
If you haven't paid the ticket by now, you have a warrant for your arrest.
State Trooper tickets in Texas?pacific theater opera theater
State Trooper's file their tickets in Justice of the Peace courts(County), and can, against SOP file in municipal courts.
If you received the citation in Odessa, an Ector County Justice of the Peace is most likely the one that the citation was filed in. Here is a link to Ector County's list of JP's, I suggest contacting one of their offices, and they will be able to tell you which office the ticket is out of and can refer you to the right place.
4 years ago??? And no warrant has been issued??? Jesus H Christ...look on the back of the ticket (if you still have it). I'd call the county or JP court chop-chop. Beg leniency on account of stupidity, and you just might (JUST MIGHT) not get tossed in jail.
What ever county you were in is the county seat that the court would have been held in.
i have this tickets.