Do you have to know someone who works for the airport to get the tickets or can you just show up and ask to be put on the list as a stand by? If a ticket is now $600 at best about how much should i expect to pay as a stand by? Is stand by picked by price or nesissity or first in line once they have a cancelation?
Stand by tickets?extension
Most airlines no longer offer stand by to passengers. The only stand by is for employees and their friends and family passes. The price depends on the destination. US carriers did away with stand by a long time ago especially after September 11th. Only confirmed ticketed passengers are allowed beyond security and people travelling stand by became security issues.
Most employees would not give out their passes to people they dont know, most dont even give them to people they do know. That person represents that employee and many times they do not understand the rules of stand by and have cost the employees their benefits and sometimes their jobs. Selling the passes is illegal, so if someone tries to sell you one, dont accept it.
And honestly, more people are flying now and the planes are going out full more times than not, its really easier to just buy a ticket rather than chance stand by especially during the summer months.
Stand by tickets?movie theater opera theater
anyone can get a stand by ticket, you can even get them well ahead of time.
typical price is about 50% of a normal ticket, but that can vary a lot depending on airline, day you fly, etc.
if the plane is not full, they start taking stand by tickets by first in line. they dont wait for cancellations, they just board everyone on the pland and if there are empty seats left they let stand bys on.
as a bonus, if there are empty seats in first class you can sometimes get those - but be quick!
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